
Car Trading Transactions

Car trading transactions is the core business segment of the Cango new retail platform. Through car trading transactions, Cango connects auto manufacturers, individual consumers and the offline dealer network, and provides value to the three through its transaction service platform, which makes it simpler and more efficient to "match people with goods" and "match goods with people" in the field of automobile dealing.

At present, in terms of logistics and capital flow in automobile dealing, Cango deploys preposition warehouses between OEMs and the offline dealer network in the middle of the auto transaction process; coupled with its regional layouts and self-built warehouses, Cango can improve the logistics efficiency for lower-tier cities, that is, shorten the logistics range. As of now, Cango has set up more than 80 preposition warehouses nationwide, and is rapidly adding more such warehouses to complete the distribution network layout, helping traditional automobile dealing channels enrich SKU categories, increase turnover rates, and improve key supporting infrastructure including logistics, warehousing and financial services.